Friday, August 16, 2019

Apache Pig Installation

In this section, we will perform the pig installation.


  • Java Installation - Check whether the Java is installed or not using the following command.
  1. $java -version  
  • Hadoop Installation - Check whether the Hadoop is installed or not using the following command.
  1. $hadoop version  
If any of them is not installed in your system, follow the below link to install it. 

Steps to install Apache Pig

  1. $ tar -xvf pig-0.16.0.tar.gz  
  • Open the bashrc file.
  1. $ sudo nano ~/.bashrc  
  • Now, provide the following PIG_HOME path.
  1. export PIG_HOME=/home/hduser/pig-0.16.0  
  2. export PATH=$PATH:$PIG_HOME/bin  
Pig Installation
  • Update the environment variable
  1. $ source ~/.bashrc  
  • Let's test the installation on the command prompt type
  1. $ pig -h  
  • Let's start the pig in MapReduce mode.
  1. $ pig  

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