Saturday, September 28, 2019

Built-in roles for Azure resources

Role-based access control (RBAC) has several built-in roles for Azure resources that you can assign to users, groups, service principals, and managed identities. Role assignments are the way you control access to Azure resources. If the built-in roles don't meet the specific needs of your organization, you can create your own custom roles for Azure resources.
This article lists the built-in roles for Azure resources, which are always evolving. To get the latest roles, use Get-AzRoleDefinition or az role definition list. If you are looking for administrator roles for Azure Active Directory, see Administrator role permissions in Azure Active Directory.

Built-in role descriptions

The following table provides a brief description of each built-in role. Click the role name to see the list of ActionsNotActionsDataActions, and NotDataActions for each role. 
Built-in roleDescription
OwnerLets you manage everything, including access to resources.
ContributorLets you manage everything except granting access to resources.
ReaderLets you view everything, but not make any changes.
AcrDeleteacr delete
AcrImageSigneracr image signer
AcrPullacr pull
AcrPushacr push
AcrQuarantineReaderacr quarantine data reader
AcrQuarantineWriteracr quarantine data writer
API Management Service ContributorCan manage service and the APIs
API Management Service Operator RoleCan manage service but not the APIs
API Management Service Reader RoleRead-only access to service and APIs
Application Insights Component ContributorCan manage Application Insights components
Application Insights Snapshot DebuggerGives user permission to view and download debug snapshots collected with the Application Insights Snapshot Debugger. Note that these permissions are not included in the Owner or Contributor roles.
Automation Job OperatorCreate and Manage Jobs using Automation Runbooks.
Automation OperatorAutomation Operators are able to start, stop, suspend, and resume jobs
Automation Runbook OperatorRead Runbook properties - to be able to create Jobs of the runbook.
Avere ContributorCan create and manage an Avere vFXT cluster.
Avere OperatorUsed by the Avere vFXT cluster to manage the cluster
Azure Event Hubs Data OwnerAllows for full access to Azure Event Hubs resources.
Azure Event Hubs Data ReceiverAllows receive access to Azure Event Hubs resources.
Azure Event Hubs Data SenderAllows send access to Azure Event Hubs resources.
Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin RoleList cluster admin credential action.
Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster User RoleList cluster user credential action.
Azure Maps Data Reader (Preview)Grants access to read map related data from an Azure maps account.
Azure Service Bus Data OwnerAllows for full access to Azure Service Bus resources.
Azure Service Bus Data ReceiverAllows for receive access to Azure Service Bus resources.
Azure Service Bus Data SenderAllows for send access to Azure Service Bus resources.
Azure Stack Registration OwnerLets you manage Azure Stack registrations.
Backup ContributorLets you manage backup service, but can't create vaults and give access to others
Backup OperatorLets you manage backup services, except removal of backup, vault creation and giving access to others
Backup ReaderCan view backup services, but can't make changes
Billing ReaderAllows read access to billing data
BizTalk ContributorLets you manage BizTalk services, but not access to them.
Blockchain Member Node Access (Preview)Allows for access to Blockchain Member nodes
Blueprint ContributorCan manage blueprint definitions, but not assign them.
Blueprint OperatorCan assign existing published blueprints, but cannot create new blueprints. NOTE: this only works if the assignment is done with a user-assigned managed identity.
CDN Endpoint ContributorCan manage CDN endpoints, but can’t grant access to other users.
CDN Endpoint ReaderCan view CDN endpoints, but can’t make changes.
CDN Profile ContributorCan manage CDN profiles and their endpoints, but can’t grant access to other users.
CDN Profile ReaderCan view CDN profiles and their endpoints, but can’t make changes.
Classic Network ContributorLets you manage classic networks, but not access to them.
Classic Storage Account ContributorLets you manage classic storage accounts, but not access to them.
Classic Storage Account Key Operator Service RoleClassic Storage Account Key Operators are allowed to list and regenerate keys on Classic Storage Accounts
Classic Virtual Machine ContributorLets you manage classic virtual machines, but not access to them, and not the virtual network or storage account they’re connected to.
Cognitive Services ContributorLets you create, read, update, delete and manage keys of Cognitive Services.
Cognitive Services Data Reader (Preview)Lets you read Cognitive Services data.
Cognitive Services UserLets you read and list keys of Cognitive Services.
Cosmos DB Account Reader RoleCan read Azure Cosmos DB account data. See DocumentDB Account Contributor for managing Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
Cosmos DB OperatorLets you manage Azure Cosmos DB accounts, but not access data in them. Prevents access to account keys and connection strings.
CosmosBackupOperatorCan submit restore request for a Cosmos DB database or a container for an account
Cost Management ContributorCan view costs and manage cost configuration (e.g. budgets, exports)
Cost Management ReaderCan view cost data and configuration (e.g. budgets, exports)
Data Box ContributorLets you manage everything under Data Box Service except giving access to others.
Data Box ReaderLets you manage Data Box Service except creating order or editing order details and giving access to others.
Data Factory ContributorCreate and manage data factories, as well as child resources within them.
Data Lake Analytics DeveloperLets you submit, monitor, and manage your own jobs but not create or delete Data Lake Analytics accounts.
Data PurgerCan purge analytics data
DevTest Labs UserLets you connect, start, restart, and shutdown your virtual machines in your Azure DevTest Labs.
DNS Zone ContributorLets you manage DNS zones and record sets in Azure DNS, but does not let you control who has access to them.
DocumentDB Account ContributorCan manage Azure Cosmos DB accounts. Azure Cosmos DB is formerly known as DocumentDB.
EventGrid EventSubscription ContributorLets you manage EventGrid event subscription operations.
EventGrid EventSubscription ReaderLets you read EventGrid event subscriptions.
HDInsight Cluster OperatorLets you read and modify HDInsight cluster configurations.
HDInsight Domain Services ContributorCan Read, Create, Modify and Delete Domain Services related operations needed for HDInsight Enterprise Security Package
Intelligent Systems Account ContributorLets you manage Intelligent Systems accounts, but not access to them.
Key Vault ContributorLets you manage key vaults, but not access to them.
Lab CreatorLets you create, manage, delete your managed labs under your Azure Lab Accounts.
Log Analytics ContributorLog Analytics Contributor can read all monitoring data and edit monitoring settings. Editing monitoring settings includes adding the VM extension to VMs; reading storage account keys to be able to configure collection of logs from Azure Storage; creating and configuring Automation accounts; adding solutions; and configuring Azure diagnostics on all Azure resources.
Log Analytics ReaderLog Analytics Reader can view and search all monitoring data as well as and view monitoring settings, including viewing the configuration of Azure diagnostics on all Azure resources.
Logic App ContributorLets you manage logic apps, but not change access to them.
Logic App OperatorLets you read, enable, and disable logic apps, but not edit or update them.
Managed Application Operator RoleLets you read and perform actions on Managed Application resources
Managed Applications ReaderLets you read resources in a managed app and request JIT access.
Managed Identity ContributorCreate, Read, Update, and Delete User Assigned Identity
Managed Identity OperatorRead and Assign User Assigned Identity
Management Group ContributorManagement Group Contributor Role
Management Group ReaderManagement Group Reader Role
Monitoring ContributorCan read all monitoring data and edit monitoring settings. See also Get started with roles, permissions, and security with Azure Monitor.
Monitoring Metrics PublisherEnables publishing metrics against Azure resources
Monitoring ReaderCan read all monitoring data (metrics, logs, etc.). See also Get started with roles, permissions, and security with Azure Monitor.
Network ContributorLets you manage networks, but not access to them.
New Relic APM Account ContributorLets you manage New Relic Application Performance Management accounts and applications, but not access to them.
Reader and Data AccessLets you view everything but will not let you delete or create a storage account or contained resource. It will also allow read/write access to all data contained in a storage account via access to storage account keys.
Redis Cache ContributorLets you manage Redis caches, but not access to them.
Resource Policy Contributor (Preview)(Preview) Backfilled users from EA, with rights to create/modify resource policy, create support ticket and read resources/hierarchy.
Scheduler Job Collections ContributorLets you manage Scheduler job collections, but not access to them.
Search Service ContributorLets you manage Search services, but not access to them.
Security AdminIn Security Center only: Can view security policies, view security states, edit security policies, view alerts and recommendations, dismiss alerts and recommendations
Security Manager (Legacy)This is a legacy role. Please use Security Administrator instead
Security ReaderIn Security Center only: Can view recommendations and alerts, view security policies, view security states, but cannot make changes
Site Recovery ContributorLets you manage Site Recovery service except vault creation and role assignment
Site Recovery OperatorLets you failover and failback but not perform other Site Recovery management operations
Site Recovery ReaderLets you view Site Recovery status but not perform other management operations
Spatial Anchors Account ContributorLets you manage spatial anchors in your account, but not delete them
Spatial Anchors Account OwnerLets you manage spatial anchors in your account, including deleting them
Spatial Anchors Account ReaderLets you locate and read properties of spatial anchors in your account
SQL DB ContributorLets you manage SQL databases, but not access to them. Also, you can't manage their security-related policies or their parent SQL servers.
SQL Managed Instance ContributorLets you manage SQL Managed Instances and required network configuration, but can’t give access to others.
SQL Security ManagerLets you manage the security-related policies of SQL servers and databases, but not access to them.
SQL Server ContributorLets you manage SQL servers and databases, but not access to them, and not their security -related policies.
Storage Account ContributorPermits management of storage accounts. Provides access to the account key, which can be used to access data via Shared Key authorization.
Storage Account Key Operator Service RolePermits listing and regenerating storage account access keys.
Storage Blob Data ContributorRead, write, and delete Azure Storage containers and blobs. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Storage Blob Data OwnerProvides full access to Azure Storage blob containers and data, including assigning POSIX access control. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Storage Blob Data ReaderRead and list Azure Storage containers and blobs. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Storage Blob DelegatorGet a user delegation key, which can then be used to create a shared access signature for a container or blob that is signed with Azure AD credentials. For more information, see Create a user delegation SAS.
Storage File Data SMB Share ContributorAllows for read, write, and delete access in Azure Storage file shares over SMB
Storage File Data SMB Share Elevated ContributorAllows for read, write, delete and modify NTFS permission access in Azure Storage file shares over SMB
Storage File Data SMB Share ReaderAllows for read access to Azure File Share over SMB
Storage Queue Data ContributorRead, write, and delete Azure Storage queues and queue messages. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Storage Queue Data Message ProcessorPeek, retrieve, and delete a message from an Azure Storage queue. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Storage Queue Data Message SenderAdd messages to an Azure Storage queue. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Storage Queue Data ReaderRead and list Azure Storage queues and queue messages. To learn which actions are required for a given data operation, see Permissions for calling blob and queue data operations.
Support Request ContributorLets you create and manage Support requests
Traffic Manager ContributorLets you manage Traffic Manager profiles, but does not let you control who has access to them.
User Access AdministratorLets you manage user access to Azure resources.
Virtual Machine Administrator LoginView Virtual Machines in the portal and login as administrator
Virtual Machine ContributorLets you manage virtual machines, but not access to them, and not the virtual network or storage account they're connected to.
Virtual Machine User LoginView Virtual Machines in the portal and login as a regular user.
Web Plan ContributorLets you manage the web plans for websites, but not access to them.
Website ContributorLets you manage websites (not web plans), but not access to them.

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